Sunday, September 14, 2008

I wonder if a shake comin with them fries, if so baby can I get em super sized?

Stop living in the past. It seems like wonderful advice, especially for the Uncle Rico types still reliving the glory years of high school or college.

People say to live fully in the present moment. Live for today! Enjoy the short life we have in the time that we have.

Both are completely impossible. Don't even start in about the future... I will laugh at you.

Biologically speaking, everything that we are observing happened in the past. It takes time for us to process what is happening and then put out our action or thought. Sure it may only be microseconds, but it is still the past. So every thought you had, you actually had it just before you were conscious of having that thought. The only time you come close to acting in the present if when your reflexes kick in like when you dodge or catch something you didn't register you saw yet.

Even then you are still reacting to something and therefore not acting in the present.

So now you are thinking ... so what? Well, one of the fundamental questions in theology and philosophy is: Do we have free will. The Bible says yes, hence Adam and Eve. Other philosophies go one way or another. I am here to allow you to question whatever you believe.

If everything we do in life is on a delay due to our processing, then do we actually choose to react? Or does our body just learn from experience and react for us in ways that it has been taught will be rewarded via chemicals in our brain (which correlate to many rewards physical, emotional, and other). Not all of these "rewards" are always good however. Think of how many times you have done something in the heat of the moment and then later thought, why did I do that? Perhaps you did not have the freewill to do anything else.

No you may say, but there are many times I do things that I do not want to do ... I have free will. Maybe you do. Though maybe you were rewarded more by turning away the temptation.

I am not here to argue one way or another. Just thought I would share some observations and maybe open up a dialogue in your brain or amongst friends. Enjoy.

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