Friday, August 15, 2008

You're so fine, it won't be a loss cashing in the rocks, just to get you face to face

My top 10 pieces of advice:

10) You can't stop what you can't end - heard this because of Andrew WK and it makes sense. Don't worry about things you have no chance of affecting

9) If you got it, flaunt it - from numerous sources, but be proud of what you can do

8) Know Thyself - from the Temple at Delphi, fairly self explanatory

7) Be quick but don't hurry - John Wooden, to me it says that life is short so you want to do a lot of things, but you should savor each moment you are spending. Or you know, act fast but don't fuck up on the basketball court

6) Seize the Day - The Newsies, no one ever said this before this movie. Ever.

5) You don't ask a prostitute anything but how much... and even then ... you haggle - I have to take the blame/credit for this one. It is straight up what it says.

4) Don't stop 'til you get enough - Michael Jackson ... dude wrote Thriller.

3) If her Daddy's rich, take her out for a meal. If her Daddy's poor, just do what you feel. - Mungo Jerry ... truer words have never been spoken

2) All the lyrics to "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips - Because no one can change your life except for you

1) Never trust a big butt and a smile - Bell Biv Devoe, from the best song ever. Some things are all flash and false promises. Don't fall into that trap.

1 comment:

Mike said...

There's a saying that goes "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Okay. How about "Nobody should throw stones." That's just crappy behavior. My policy is: "No stone throwing regardless of housing situation." Don't do it.

There is one exception though. If you're trapped in a glass house, and you have a stone, then throw it. What are you, an idiot? So maybe it's "Only people in glass houses should throw stones, provided they are trapped in the house with a stone." It's a little longer, but yeah.