Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I fly like a paper, get high like planes. If you catch me at the border, I got visas in my name.

Being at the school a lot to study I have come to rely on something other than my iTunes for my music. I know I am years behind everyone, but I freaking love Pandora. Basically, you enter a song or artist you like and they start streaming music that is similar to that style for free. They will play some of that artist or play that song (if they have it and they have most songs).

I have a killer station that is tagged with the artists Girl Talk, Spank Rock, Muscles, and Gorillaz and the songs "Pull Shapes" by the Pipettes and "Paper Planes" by M.I.A. I could listen to it for days and still be happy.

The selection gets a little stale after awhile, but picks up if you add more artists to your station for them to compare. Every so often a song pops up and it doesn't match the mood of the play list, but I usually end up liking the song. It is bizarre.


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