Monday, February 9, 2009

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?

My sister once said she had no favorite colors because all colors are great. I tend to agree. Every color has its place. However, some colors piss me off in certain situations. Mainly, when they are the main color of items. Here are some notable colors/color schemes that anger me:
  • Pink -- this should never be the main color of anything. I am fine with it being part of a larger color scheme, but it just looks like you accidentally washed a red sock with whatever is super pink
  • Yellow - similar to pink in that I don't like it being the main focus. The closest I get to enjoying it being the main color of focus is on Brasil's soccer jerseys. Even then I prefer their blues immensely
  • Orange in any half and half - I love orange, but I hate it when it splits a color combination with other colors. It with needs to be the accent color or have another color accenting it. Most half/half combos fail heartily.
  • Baby Blue - UNC aside, this color is only good in a handful of instances: the sky, eyes, water, or combined with a dark brown
  • Really and "light" color - more I think about it, I don't like as pastel color as anything more than an accent color. I prefer dark, richer colors in life I guess
  • Maroon - Just not a good color in most instances
  • White - maybe I don't like clean looking things, but when is white a good option for anything other than a dress shirt? Give me some color! Well, I guess technically white is the presence of the entire color spectrum so I really want some filtering.


Anonymous said...

i find it interesting that your examples are all in relation to uniforms of some sort, or at the very least, garments.

Whale Cancer said...

It deals mostly with things you wear. Obviously the rules for houses or cars are different. I don't want a green and red car or house. Anything involved in art can use whatever color it wants (I won't put artists in a gender box).