Sunday, May 17, 2009


"Wolverine" is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Do not spend money on that piece of trash.

The acting was painful, especially the love interest.

The dialogue was atrocious.

Even the CGI looked horribly fake in a number of scenes.

Save your money and avoid that movie.


Larry F. Numpkins said...

I feel personally responsible for you having wasted your time watching that, as I failed to warn you how just how painful every bit of it was after having seen it two weeks ago. So, I'll leave you with my favorite quote from the movie, and actually not post this anonymously. "Nooooooo!" (looks to sky while hunched over dead loved one)

Anonymous said...

Also, "Booverine" haha, that really got me. I chortled audibly and heartily. Welp, back to anonymity.