Friday, June 6, 2008

Something I wrote

The following is something I wrote. I am not sure when I wrote it, but it was probably sometime while I was in college. I have not edited it since I saved it amongst other little writings so it is raw and uncut. I hope you enjoy it. I also have no idea what made me write it.

A toothpick of optimism on his lips, jostled about as he spoke to no one. It hung on like a desperate man to his faith. As his eyes looked up to the heavens he shouted "as long as there is sunlight, I shall be at your mercy.” The clouds whispered by, the roaring of heaven's chariots echoed and the man fell to his knees as the first drops of the sky's dew glanced upon his brow. As the clouds devoured the light and shadows merged with their surroundings, the toothpick crashed against his belly before falling to the cement. As the rain fell, the blind man laughed from the under his tree and he said "preach on brother, for it is in the darkness, when you have been forsaken, where you truly learn what is right and wrong." And with a laugh, he excused himself to dance among the drops and feel the cool kisses of God's own tears, wept for the faith that relies on blessings.

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