Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Not joining the chain gang

Today is a rant day because of Will Leer stealing the day yesterday. Speaking of Will, next time I see him I am going to buy him dinner or lunch or something. But I refuse to take him to a chain restaurant.

Nothing says bland and boring to me quite like a chain restaurant. Basically, chains bank on you deciding you want to eat out and think to yourself "I want something comfortable, something I can trust, something I won't hate." The problem with this is ... you don't love it either. See chain restaurants are glossed over to fit the least common denominator. What can we do to please the most people. To do this you make things average. Average sucks. A C is average. I don't want a C meal .. give me an A+ meal.

When I go out to eat, I go to local restaurants. Not only am I supporting the community, but I am generally getting a much better meal. If I dislike something, it is because I ordered the wrong thing not because it was a C meal.

A friend of mine and I used to go to a new restaurant every week in college. We would pick one out that we had never been to and sometimes never had heard of before. 99% of the time I had an amazing meal. The 1% was when I couldn't read the menu because it was in Korean and I got a funky appetizer .. the rest of the meal was amazing. I highly recommend you do this if you are adventurous at all ... it is a lot of fun.

My last point on this is fairly simple. Have you ever had a favorite local type restaurant start opening up multiple stores? Going from one to two isn't bad ... but then all of a sudden there are ten of them spread around. The food begins to taste different. It is blander, more basic. I hate it. Give me the good stuff.

In conclusion ... I hate chains. The only one I will willfully pick to eat at is On the Border, but that is if I have to pick a chain. Otherwise, it is only local for me and I recommend for you as well. I know people will have their exceptions to this and that is fine ... I'm just saying mostly true. And you're probably getting a C meal.

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