Thursday, October 30, 2008

I don't think you're ready for this jelly. I don't think you're ready for this, 'cause my body too Bootylicious for ya babe

The quote of the week this week comes from my professor. He has a very dry sense of humor and his jokes are fantastic. His definition of embryology was thus: "Embryology is the study of how to make a tiny person in nine months with tools you probably have around the house."

The link of the wink this week is VoteGopher. If for some reason you are still undecided for the upcoming presidential election you can go to that website and read how both candidates stand on each issue. I have no idea who put it together, but it seems unbiased and just lays out both candidates' stances. Check it out.

The game of the week this week is Cat Bowling. Don't worry ... it is Halloween themed.

The picture of the week this week is one I have laughed at for awhile ... Oh the Huge Manatee!

The video of the week is a sweet soccer commercial I came across not too long ago. It was by Nike and in first person point of view. Not only is the filming cool, but the commercial has a sweet little message and it is packed with the best futbolers around.

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