Sunday, November 2, 2008

Every time I fall back your arms are open. I hear you callin me

Time to fall back the clocks and get that extra hour of sleep. Everyone loves fall back day. The worst thing that can happen is you show up an hour early for something. You don't miss anything, you just got there early. No big deal. Best case you use the hour to catch up on sleep, work, friends, or whatever. A lovely day.

The evil day is spring forward. Worst case scenario is you are an hour late to things until you realize what happened. That can range from annoying to horribly tragic. Best case is you lose an hour of your day. Know how there aren't enough hours in the day? Well ... they just took one from you. Have fun. Oh and it is a weekend day too, so you don't even get to miss out on work time.

The actual worst thing about falling back is how early it will get dark. If you run after school or work, get ready to run in the dark. If you run in the morning to avoid the sun ... you have to go earlier.

In the grand scheme of things, it is not that big of a deal. One more hour now ... one less later.

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