Monday, December 29, 2008

Someday you will find me caught beneath the landslide in a champagne supernova in the sky

I hate New Year's Eve. There I said it. Deal with it. Too many its.

Ok, I don't hate New Year's Eve. I hate that people make such a big deal out of the night. They have to have a perfect, unbelievable time. That usually involves drinking. All too often that involves driving while intoxicated. That is not my real beef here, just throwing it into the shit pile. And don't get me started on New Year's Resolutions that are broken in two weeks (though you may be treated to mine on Friday, don't you love hypocrosy?).

Why as a society do we need these nights of organized partying and socializing? "Hey it is okay to be belligerently drunk by 10! It's New Year's! WOOOOOOO!" Why not do all of this on any random night? Because then it is not socially acceptable (unless you are in college). I hate socially acceptable drunkenness ... it is disheartening. If you are going to be drunk in public at least have the decency to make people uncomfortable (ummm Jim it's a Wednesdaybuddy ... only 7 ... am .... and you are supposed to drive car pool).

Well, I sound about 83.324 years old. I don't mean to. I just hate the stress I see people making New Year's such a keystone moment in their year. To me it is nothing special. Just a time to hang out with friends, talk, share memories and make new ones. Ok ... maybe that is pretty special. Champaigne for everyone!

Ok, I hate Champaigne ... sue me.


Joaq said...

Sure, go ahead and have a hate party about my birthday and see if I care. Happy Holidays!

Whale Cancer said...

I said people make too big a deal about New Years. Maybe I was implying they don't make enough of a deal about your birthday.