Sunday, January 25, 2009

I can tell that there is something in your eye. It's a tear. It's a tear falling down. fallin

I want to start today by remembering Kay Yow who passed away this weekend after a long, long battle with cancer. I have yet to hear or read a story about Coach Yow that does not make her sound like one of the most wonderful people in the world on a number of different levels. Coach Yow was an amazing person who will be greatly missed and remembered fondly.

In other news, some quick things of note:
  • My attention span is so short I often forget I have microwaved a meal
  • I forgot I had a Down (or faux-down) comforter until my mom reminded me a week ago. That would have come in handy all those nights I slept in sweatshirts and pants.
  • I realized why I never spring out of bed to get to my alarm (I set my phone and toss it across the room). You know how when you get up too fast you can get light-headed and dizzy? Obviously, going from laying down to standing up really fast is worse and when you combine that with just waking up.... needless to say I ended up laying down, holding my phone, and laughing. Odd way to start the day.
  • I started watching my TV shows again while doing work. Caught up on Scrubs, House, The Office, and The Big Bang Theory. I will start others soon. I missed TV.
  • Robert Downey, Jr. was nominated for an Oscar for his role as an Australian method actor who underwent a pigment changing surgery so he could play an African-American in the fake movie inside Tropic Thunder. This gives me a lot more respect for the Oscars since Downey's performance was absolutely amazing in that film, but I pretty much assumed he would not get nominated because it was Tropic Thunder. Too bad he will lose to Heath Ledger. And deservedly so.

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