Tuesday, January 6, 2009

There was an old farmer who lived on a rock. He sat in the meadow just shaking his fist...

I love when teacher's say something and it ends up being so easily taken as innuendo that the entire class laughs. Then they get all flustered because either they realize what they just said or they have no idea why everyone is laughing at them. They then tend to follow it up with something even more awkward.

Comparing himself to Tina Turner at the beginning of "Proud Mary" my professor dropped this gem:
"Like Tina we will start out slow and easy, but I will eventually get faster and harder."

Giggle abound.

"Umm well we all know this subject and things will have to get faster and come harder."

Just stop while we are giggling and go on with lecture. Now people are laughing too hard for you to concentrate.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I'll tsotsi this, you slut.

I'm still a (sexy drums) tsotsi 4 u.

Hope this verbal mistake was the first of many.