Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You never do know what's around the bend, a brand new adventure or a brand new friend

One night in high school I was awakened from my sleep by a noise. This noise was coming from the bathroom down the hall. As I tried to convince myself that I was imagining things I saw a giant shadow move across the floor.

Naturally, I did what any person would do in this situation. I picked up a wooden baseball bat that happened to be in my room and tip-toed down the hall. I continued to hear little noises in the bathroom as I inched closer.

I cocked the bat backwards and entered the door frame of the bathroom. Instantly I heard the toilet flush and saw the culprit. I lowered the bat. I picked up the culprit. He fought me. I put the culprit down in the hall and shooed him down the stairs.

Cats are really weird.

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