~Bob Moawad quotes
LOW: You Should Have Seen This: Greg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're A Loser or Old or Something. I have seen all 99 of these. According to Greg Rutter I am not a loser nor old nor something. I think most people would tell me I am probably a loser and need to use my time better.
There are 4 "bonus nsfw links" at the bottom in really small type. DO NOT CLICK THESE EVER. NSFW = not safe for work, but the ones he has posted will probably make you vomit. I sadly know what they all mean though I had to learn the hard way on all of them. Traumatizing. This honestly is not a dare. Really, really, really, really, do not click those links.
GOW: Trillion Dollar Bailout. It fit with Sunday's post and it has a giant picture of Obama smiling, which still makes me happy. I also avoided giving any money to banks, did bailout all the foreclosures, and only gave money other than that to science, jobs, and security. I saved the economy according to the game. Who said this shit was hard? Give me a call Barack. If only Congress and Senate would play nice and follow me.
POW: This week I just google searched: flippin sweet photograph. No quotes. This was the first picture. It is flippin sweet.

Oh and don't be dumb and watch any youtube video in non-hiDef if you have the option. Make sure it is in HQ (hiDEF) by clicking the little triangle in the bottom corner and then going to HQ while the video is playing (if you play it on the blog and not at youtube, at youtube click on the words saying "Watch in high quality). Why there is even an option if it is available in HD, I have no idea. It should, at worst, be the default. And why does the video have to be playing, or finished, to switch it to HD (that may be me being an idiot). I will kill youtube a million times.
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