Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"If his brain's ran down, how can he talk?" "It happens to people all the time, Jack."

Quick, quick story today. Exam Friday = no blogging time.

I had a recurring dream as a young child that my family and I built a huge snowman in our front yard. The thing was taller than all of us stacked up. I had this dream so much as a kid that I was convinced it really happened. Seeing how it is impossibe, it is just a dream. That or perspective really wasn't my forte when I was four.

I had a recurring dream as a young kid that there was a sequel movie made to The Wizard of OZ, only it was made in the 1980s, was not a musical, and on a VHS we used to record it off the TV with no commercials. It involved lots of headless people who had been turned to stone, a woman with a collection of interchangable heads, a robot army that consisted of one robot, a person with a pumpking for a head, people with wheels for hands and feet, a talking moose head, a talking chicken, a flying couch, and a rock king. Oh .. and Dorothy. I had this dream so much as a kid that I was convinced it really was a movie. Seeing how it is ridiculous, it is just a dream. That or the 1980s were awesome.

I bought that the first time I saw it in a store which was 5 years ago. It is such a weird movie.


Anonymous said...

That movie was nominated for an Oscar.

Whale Cancer said...

I never said it wasn't awesome