Thursday, February 12, 2009

If I am lost for a day try to find me

QOW: “Finish last in your league and they call you idiot. Finish last in medical school and they call you doctor.” ~Abe Lemons. While true, I think we all strive a little higher than that.

LOW: If you followed baseball as a kid growing up in the 1990s, this will absolute shock you. I hope that it is not true, but I have no idea what she would gain from lying about that other than to get herself sued into bankruptcy.

GOW: Power Pool. The line they put under the link where I found it was "Behold my mighty balls."

POW: This picture of Sean "No clue what your nickname is now" Combs kills me endlessly.

VOW: This video is the first part of a documentary called "Married to the Eifel Tower" about people who fall in love with inanimate objects. Not "I love my Prada bag" but "I want to have sex with and marry my Prada bag because she is a wonderful soul and gets me". I honestly cannot describe my feelings watching the first half. I recommend the second half as well, but it is much creepier and sadder as you hear the personal backstories and see the women initiating intimacy with buildings.

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