Friday, February 13, 2009

Pointless rant ... just move on

I had big plans to talk about Charles Darwin today and how he came up with his natural selection theories at roughly the same time as another man but that guy gets absolutely no credit. Sucks to be that guy.

Seriously though, I read that 14% of Americans believe in evolution and 36% or so believe in evolution guided by a Creator. 45% believe the Earth was created within the last 10,000 years. I honestly did not know that last number was so high. I feel naive to have believed religion will be kept out of public schools and private matters (such as oh ... I don't know ... gay marriage). When 45% of the country looks at evolution and takes God 100% over the evidence for evolution you know religion is the major major major major major dominant force in our country's life.

I am not saying it is wrong to believe that or have strong beliefs towards God. I just don't like it when you thrust those religious beliefs on others. That goes in many ways ... I don't want to be converted and I don't want to learn about or hear about God in any place that uses public taxpayer money (and the God talk is from a government or school employee ... aka random Joe can hold a prayer service in the cafeteria at the public school as long as random Joe is not the principal who is forcing me to attend). I believe science should be taught in science class and religion should be taught in the home or at a place of worship.

You can go home and believe what you want about what is presented in class. I compel you to question everything you are ever taught and never take something as it is given. If you feel it is not true then take your test on the subject, consider it like studying Greek mythology, and move on. The same, I guess could be argued about putting Creationism or Intelligent Design in a curriculum. However, I see a difference in teaching a theory that uses fossils and other scientific evidence and is forced to change itself whenever new evidence contradicts any part of it and teaching a theory that can shrug off new evidence as "God testing us" (see Dinosaurs).

Again, believe it ... but you can't teach that in my public school. I am a live and let live kind of person, but I really don't like religious beliefs being put on people who do not share them. I hate hearing "Merry Christmas" being blurted out when not everyone is Christian. I will always say it back though because the person is just trying to be nice. I don't judge people by that, even when they are public employees on the clock. So all I ask is leave religion out of the things everyone's tax dollars go to or out of other people's private lives (unless they invite you and religion in).

Oh, I ask one more thing. Since I don't try to convert you to my beliefs and accept any belief you want to hold can you do me a solid? Don't judge me for my beliefs, don't tell me you will "pray for me" when you find out we don't share a belief, and please please please stop trying to convert me or ask "Is Jesus your Savior"? It is really annoying.

Oh and if you ask someone if they believe in God (I'll capitalize it for you) and they say "No" a really dumb follow up is "Oh what god do you believe in?" Many people believe in God who don't believe in Jesus. It is even the same God as yours (read about Islam or Judaism at some point). And while we are here ... all Muslims are not terrorists so stop treating anyone who looks Arab like they are. Thanks.

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