Saturday, April 11, 2009

You Scare A What?

The person of the week this week is Bernat Dechepare, aka Bernard Etxepare. Dechepare is the author of the first printed book in the Basque language. Others may have been printed at this time along with Dechepare, but his book is the only one that still remains.

The LinguƦ Vasconum PrimitiƦ was published in 1545. The book is filled with various writings, some of which extol the Basque language and speak of the hope for the future of the Basque language. His desire is stated for the Basque language to go out and become famous.

While the language itself is famous today, it is more so for its history as a unique and ancient European language and not for how much it is spoken. While many indigenous languages are disappearing from use in today's global world, the Basque language (Euskara) is one of the few languages on the rise. This distinction is due in large part to the fact it was a banned language for much of the late 20th century and is closely tied to cultural identity.

Without Dechepare would the language have existed as it does today? He is recognized as the first person to write in the language meaning he can be considered the father of modern Euskara in terms of written language.

Ok now I am rambling ... I promise to write better when I am less tired. At least I gave you a cool person you never heard of before?

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