Thursday, July 24, 2008

I come bearing gifts...

The quote of the week this week is from Martin Luther, the man who started the Reformation... albeit unintentionally. The quote is "There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience tells him it is right." By following his conscience Martin Luther changed the entire world. What can you do by following yours?

The link of the week this week is Cyanide and Happiness. Not the most politically correct cartoon in the world ... by far. It will at times shock you and it will sometimes awe you. It will shock and awe. It will also make you laugh.

The game of the week this week is Ignite People on Fire. Sounds simple right? It is. You literally run around and try to set people on fire. Can get monotonous, but when you don't want to think for a few minutes ... let it burn, let it burn. And remember, "when there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire".

The picture of the week is from the pictures of the week on July 17, 2008. It is entitled Ring of Fire and the description is: "In this 25 second exposure, Thai Buddhists carry candles around a large Buddha on Asanha Puja Day near Bangkok." It is baller:

I edited it a little ... better or worse, I can't even say .. ok it is worse, but you can see the statue a little better:

The video of the week is twofold. One is my man Ced Simmons rejecting Michael Beasley:

This is The Dark Bobby Knight ... language is a tad inappropriate.

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