Friday, August 29, 2008

Another unsolved mystery, is goin' down in history

With the Olympics lifting even the most apathetic sport fan's spirits it reminded me of the joy that can come from watching sports. As a rule, I do not do that much sport watching unless supremely bored or if I personally know someone involved (or the Olympics are on). If someone I know and like is participating I can watch just about any sport.

Top 5 Olympic Sports (sports I only watch during the Olympics, summer or winter)
5. Curling --screw you for judging me
4. Skiing -- I am always amazed at downhill skiiers, but moguls, aerials, and jumps are fun as well
3. Speed Skating -- I prefer short track to long track, but both are amazing
2. Swimming -- Michael Phelps helps a lot, but I always enjoy Olympic swimming
1. Team Handball -- where do I sign up to play this sport?

Top 5 Sports to Watch on Television
5. Hockey -- especially if it is the NHL playoffs
4. Tennis -- this moves up considerably if Ana Ivanovic is playing
3. Basketball -- better be a fast paced game
2. Soccer -- only if it is high quality -- World Cup, Euro Cup, Euro League, etc
1. Running -- track and field, marathon, road race... I love watching running

Top 5 Sports to Watch in Person
5. Horse Racing -- really, it is the gambling that is awesome but it is a beautiful sport
4. Tennis -- the speed of the game is much more appreciated
3. Hockey -- you really cannot fully appreciate hockey unless you are there
2. Jai alai -- sure, I only have done this once but it was awesome
1. Running -- same as above, but now I get to yell

Top 5 Sports to play (generally shifts as the seasons shift)
5. Basketball -- I guess it is holding on up here, though I haven't touched a basketball since February
4. Tennis -- especially if I am playing the clean winner game with the twins
3. Running -- I'm weird ... depending on if I am running with someone, could be my favorite
2. Beach Volleyball -- as long as no one sucks on my team I always have a blast
1. Ultimate Frisbee -- unless the competition level on the field drops too much, then it gets boring ... just throwing is a blast though

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