Saturday, August 30, 2008

Breeze through two in tha mornin and the party's still jumpin cuz my momma aint home

The person of the week this week has been dead since 1943. He was a certified badass in every sense of the world. Oh and he was probably insane. At the least he has a very severe case of obsessive compulsive disorder. Although we learned in school that Marconi invented the radio, the US Government actually ruled that this man was the actual inventor in 1943.

Nikola Tesla is a man every person should know about. In physics a Tesla is used to measure magnetic flux density aka the magnetic field. Besides inventing the radio (think about that for a second) his work became the foundation of alternating current electric power systems; he invented the AC motor.

Tesla worked for a time for Thomas Edison and basically handed him his AC power work, but Edison thought direct current was the future and rejected the ideas. Tesla never let Edison forget how stupid he was, or the world how stupid he though Edison was, for this. Edison even admits this was the biggest mistake of his life.

According to wikipedia (I don't feel like summerizing): "Aside from his work on electromagnetism and electromechanical engineering, Tesla is said to have contributed in varying degrees to the establishment of robotics, remote control, radar and computer science, and to the expansion of ballistics, nuclear physics, and theoretical physics."

I don't feel like listing everything that kicks ass about Nikola Tesla ... frankly I do not have the time. You should go open up a book or something and educate yourself on this amazing man if you have not already. There is a theory that great inventors are a product of their time. If they had not invented what they did when they did someone else would have around the same time. That is clearly the case for the radio. However, the rest of the things Tesla did ... he skipped generations.

1 comment:

Jay Schulkin said...

Perhaps you have forgotten that in The Prestige he invented a TELEPORTING MACHINE