Sunday, August 31, 2008

Go read a book you illiterate son of a bitch and step up yo' vocab

School ... then and now

During class
Grade School -- try to make friends laugh by saying "penis" or "vagina" while they are reading aloud
High School -- talk as much as possible while attempting to do your homework while the teacher is talking about something he will never test you on because all of his tests are from the book
College -- sit in the back of room and do crossword or sudoku
Medical School -- attempt to pick up words you understand at a rate comparable to your remedial Spanish

Skip class?
Grade school -- and do what ... walk around the neighborhood by the school?
High School -- you know the disciplinarian always snoops the parking lot after lunch
College -- yeah man ... I need a nap
Medical School -- a) are you freaking kidding?!?! b) yeah the lesson is recorded online for a reason

Skip a day of school?
Grade school -- mommy said I wasn't sick enough even though their is blood in my vomit
High School -- I think my mom finally doesn't care if I am faking or not
College -- too hung over to even hit the snooze button
Medical School -- sorry, I would rather pass this quarter .. thanks though

Grade School -- I did my busy work in about three minutes, thanks for the super assignment you joke of a teacher
High School -- Yo, Joe what did you get for #3? This is so hard
College -- I have an online assignment due in an hour? This is so hard
Medical School -- what is homework?

Studying for Tests
Grade School -- I looked at it for about five minutes during the commercials of Saved by the Bell
High School -- I studied last night for about thirty minutes or an hour
College -- I was in the library for, like, six hours last night bro. Pulling an all nighter ... this Intro to Psych is hard shit.
Medical School -- I've been studying nonstop since a week before the class started and then I still crammed and only got four hours of sleep

Report Cards
Grade School -- I got some E's and then some A's and mom let me get ice cream
High School -- whatever, only nerds get straight A's
College -- I just hope daddy doesn't take away my credit card
Medical School -- what do I need to pass? or if you're a gunner --> I better have all Honors

Grade School -- I hear Mike is having an indoor soccer/lazer tag (pick one) party and invited the whole class!
High School -- my parents are going out of town, no way the cops bust us!
College -- Jungle Juice is in the bathroom, five bucks for a dick, free for the chicks .. where's your toga bro?
Medical School -- exams are over, time to blackout and forget everything we just learned!

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