Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Got birds and I'm running, yeah.. 'Bout a hundred, yeah..

Know what the best thing in the world is? Playing with someone else's dog. Think about how much you love dogs(if you hate them, continue reading to see my point on dogs and substitute monkeys or something). Now think about the pains of dog ownership: the cost, the smell, the time drain, the responsibility, the smell, the poop, the smell. Now ... keep all of the good things and eliminate the bad. That is what I love.

If the dog I am playing with decides it wants to take a dump in the middle of a park ... I get to walk away. Someone else has to pick that up. Not me. When I get tired of throwing the ball or Frisbee or whatever, I can quit. An owner has to deal with the upset pooch.

Basically, playing with someone else's dog is like being an uncle. You get to do all the fun things parents love, but you get to skip out on the disgusting, boring, and time consuming things. Also, when you spoil the kid/dog or teach it something evil, you don't have to deal with the consequences.

So ... if I know you ... be a sucker, buy a dog, and let me play with it all the time. If you want a good life, just do what I do and avoid the responsibility and still have the fun.


Mike said...

Playing with other people's dogs > Playing with other people's emotions


Unknown said...

Uncle Chris,

Ging loves and misses you. I knew there was a reason I got her. For your pleasure. :)