Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

For many years today was the day we would put on nice clothing and go to the horse track for a buffet and my introduction to gambling. While I find it kind of hard to imagine this was my mom's first choice for the day, perhaps she really wanted to make bold $2 bets on the favorite to show.

While I doubt that, I bet my mom did want to spend time with her family in any way possible.

Which is to say: for reward and celebration of doing the hardest job in the world - being a mom - my mom only wanted to spend time with her family.

That is the amazing thing about moms. When I imagine the hours and hours spent birthing, raising, cleaning, feeding, etc. that goes into raising children, I would think a reward would be a day of vacation. Instead, they only want to spend that day with their children.

I could write an Ayn Rand length novel about how much my mom did for me ... it still would not do her justice. Instead all I can say is: Thank you mom, I love you.


Debbie said...

I'm the luckiest mom in the world. Not because of my track experiences, but because of you and Kelly. I love you too.

Mike said...

I love my mom too, but because she slacked on my birthday/Christmas presents last year, I gave her a pirate-themed birthday card for a one-year-old boy instead of an actual Mother's Day card.

Lesson learned I hope.